God is Our G.P.S. System When We Face Difficulties
God is our G.P.S. System When We Face Difficulties
When you go through deep waters and great trouble I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty you will not drown!
When you walk through the fire of oppression you will
not be burned up, the flames will not consume you.Isaiah 43:2 NLT
When You... I Will Be With You...
God is saying to us “when you,” which indicates that we will go through things. Yes, troubles can be expected. However, following that, it says, “I will be with you.”
Whether you face difficulties, oppression, or insurmountable troubles, He promises us that He will be with us; and by no means shall anything harm us. Yes, God is with us. He promises to guide us and direct us through our difficulties.
When we are driving in an unknown area, we can input our present location and final destination in a G.P. S. System and it will help us reach our destination.

Heavenly G.P.S. System
Likewise, God is our heavenly G.P.S. System; as we face difficulties, consuming fires of troubles and continuous storms of life we can call on Jesus where He will navigate us through unfamiliar territory, through treacherous roads, and through perilous storms.
But with Jesus there are no wrong turns or misdirection’s!
The Healer of Our Heart
Though we may face difficulties, storms, troubles on all sides; when we are perplexed, hard pressed, discouraged, downcast, or let down: the Lord is the lifter of our head, the restorer of our soul, the healer of our heart, and the redeemer of our lives.
He will navigate us towards the still and restful waters and quiet resting places. He will restore our weary soul and cause us to lie down in fresh tender green pastures. He is the loving Father who cares for you and for every aspect of your life. You are important to Him!
Lord Jesus, I have tried to navigate through this life so many times on my own and as a result, I have veered off course of the plans and purposes that you have for me. Lord Jesus, today I surrender my life to you and I ask you to navigate my life and lead me, guide me, and direct my steps. Place my feet on the paths of righteousness, order my steps so that I may walk towards the plans and purposes you have for me. And Lord Jesus, cause me to lie down in the fresh tender green pastures beside the restful waters and quiet resting places and give me peace. Amen.
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Plus! If you purchase thought this website you are supporting victims of abuse. I want to thank you in advance! ~Kelly
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