Women Supporting Women Support Groups
Welcome to our Women Supporting Women Support Groups! We are very excited about our support groups. Domestic violence can be a very lonely. But His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help™ is changing that! We have created forums just for you. Our support groups have something for everyone. And if you can't find it -- let's create one together -- if you have a need, then most likely someone else has the same need.
Choose one of our Women Supporting Women Support Groups Below
Domestic Violence Support Group
Come join our Domestic Violence Support Group, where women just like you, share their experiences or ask for help. This group is wonderful for anyone who needs support from other women. You don't have to be alone anymore, come and experience new friendships as you learn from their experiences (and share yours too!).
Question and Answer
Are you in a current domestic violence or abuse situation that you could use some help? Do you need a specific answer to a question that you would like Kelly to answer? Then this is the forum for you. Do you have experience in abuse situations and want to help answer the questions? We would love to hear from you, come and join us!
Online Prayer Requests
Would you like for us to pray for you? Would you like to pray for our online prayer requests? We would love to have you join us!
Share a Testimony
Has God do a miracle in your life? Has He answered a prayer? Come join us by sharing a testimony or celebrate with those who experienced answered prayer. Come be encouraged with these wonderful testimonies!
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