Online Life Coach
Success Makeover Program

Hi, I'm Kelly, an online life coach, (offline too) and founder of His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help Organization. If you are a woman struggling with constant distractions, unable to move forward, experiencing defeat in many areas, ongoing disappointments, letdowns, discontentment with life, or lack of confidence please read this.
Our Online Life Coach Success Makeover Program Will Make The Impossible – POSSIBLE!
Do you believe you will succeed?I mean REALLY believe that you can have the successful life you’ve dreamt about for so many years – and the lifestyle that goes with it?
Surprisingly most women don’t REALLY believe they will be successful. Many HOPE to be successful, but in many cases, they’ve had crushing pasts that they can’t move forward.
Success comes by disempowering the thoughts that are keeping you stuck in the areas that you want to succeed in. It’s simpler than it sounds. :)
Did you know that what you think dictates who you are, what others thinks about you, and what you can achieve? How do you see yourself? Are you supporting or sabotaging your success? If you are sabotaging your success we can show you how you can start succeeding today. It’s just a decision away!
Click here to start with your online life coach.
Let our Online Life Coaching make your dreams come true!
Are you stuck? Consider these online life coach questions:- Are you doing things you know you shouldn’t be doing?
- Is there something that you’ve WANTED or NEEDED to do but haven’t started it because you can’t find the time?
- Are you doing things that can actually be sabotaging your future?
- Are you frustrated with yourself and your choices?
- Have you felt like you keep doing the wrong thing even though you want to do the right?
- Do you feel your life is one wrong decision after another?
- Do you long to see your dreams and desires come to pass but you don’t know how to do it, or you’ve tried a thousand times but you’ve failed each time?
- Do you feel like you are in a rut?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions you may just need a little coaching!
You may be frustrated with yourself, your life, and your direction but we have good news – you are one GOOD decision away from succeeding!
We’ve been helping women for over 10 years make valuable changes in their life, helping them achieve significant life changes. With our Online Life Coach Success Makeover Program you can be well on your way to seeing the life you’ve always wanted.
What is online life coaching?
We have all heard of personal life coaches, business coaches, football coaches, success coaches, a value to so many. Consider this: if it wasn’t for a football coach, players would not succeed, the same goes for athletes, and CEO’s. The most powerful people in the world have asked for help from a coach at some time in their careers, and in most cases, have a permanent life coach.
We believe you are important. Regardless of your past, how devastating it has been, the mistakes you’ve made, or the pain, hurt, and trauma someone else has caused you – we coach our clients to have the beautiful, bright and exciting fun-filled future they deserve.
We know that deep inside each of us we have a dream. Whether your dream is to raise your children, be free from abuse, go back to school, get out of a violent situation, better yourself, start a ministry and so much more our coaching programs are some of the best out there, because we combine our proven techniques, your desire and commitment to change, and the Lord Jesus Christ – to help you in every area of your life – and help you find freedom from pain, hurt and trauma.
Our coaching program works with you, the client, by creating a supportive and creative environment that empowers, inspires, and encourages the client to move forward towards their goal. We provide you with the necessary tools to improve and challenge you, to improve your performance, achieve all goals whether they are small, medium, or large. We focus on your dreams, goals, hopes and desires and turn them into a workable step by step program. We help you tap into your full potential.
Whether you choose our least expensive to our most expensive online life coaching program you will begin to see success in all areas of your life.
We believe that your life matters, everything you do matters; we believe that God has a beautiful life for you; therefore, our goal is to see that beautiful life begin today. Regardless of your past, you can have the life you’ve dreamed of having. Together we can make that happen. When you are ready to invest in yourself, we are ready to help. Click here to see if you are ready.
How will an online life coach benefit me?
Although there are too many benefits to list, let me share with you a few benefits that will get you thinking about the area you would like to start.
- You have a loving, kind, encouraging, and skilled coach who believes in you and believes you can achieve your dreams.
- You will have your own personal coach who partners with you every step of the way.
- We help you set and accomplish your goals.
- We help you get organized.
- Help you with getting out of a domestic violence situation
- We help you clear out the clutter, the interruptions and distractions, so you can organize your life.
We help you work towards:- Financial security and independence
- Start a business
- Making more money
- Put money aside for rainy day or for your dreams
- Grow your business
- Find the work/career you love
- We can show you how to start an online business.
- Get your emotional needs met
- Get on the path to financial freedom
- Be free from abuse or victim mentality.
- Practice, learn and enjoy self-care
- Become naturally motivated
- Eliminate unhealthy habits
- Start doing what you really want to do
- Design the ideal life – the life you’ve wanted to live
- Experience joy and peace
- Heal from Domestic Violence
- Break down road blocks
- Balancing personal life, home life, work life, emotional life etc.
In a nutshell: An online life coach will help you get to where you want to go!
An Online Life Coach will:
- Empower you with courage and determination to move forward and face any obstacles
- Help you find what is most important to you and determine how you can achieve it.
- Help by breaking down fears, the unknown, the unfamiliar, the thoughts of “I can’t” and we empower you to say, “Oh YES I can!”
- Discover how EASY it is to achieve your dreams with the help of a coach.
What area are you looking to start with first? We help you look at all the different aspects of your life and together we can help you decide what area you’d like to work on first. Physical? Emotional? Health? Appearance? Relationships? Living Environment? Pleasure? Attitude? Socially? Career? Education? Financially? Spiritually?
How do I know if Online Life Coaching will help me?
We actually can’t tell you that. That is entirely up to you and how much you are willing to invest in yourself. But if you are willing to put 100% into seeing your life goals and desires first, then coaching is for you. You are responsible for your life, your choices, your actions, and your outcome.
We are here to support, challenge, encourage and supply you with all the tools you need to help you succeed. Whether you use our help is entirely up to you. If you don’t feel you are ready to invest in yourself just now, that’s fine, come back when you are or
click here to see if you are ready for an online life coach.
On a side note:
Online life coach is not therapy. We are not therapists. We mentor or coach women to pursue the dreams they’ve longed to do.
Your online life coach will begin by:
Sending you an initial questionnaire. In it, you will have questions that help us understand what your dreams and goals are. Don’t worry if you are unsure of your goals, we ask the right questions to help you figure out what you really want.
Then we also provide you with:
- Weekly Coaching Assignments:
Every week your online life coach will send out an email with your homework assignment for the week. Each assignment provides fun tools, evaluation and assessments of where you are now to where you want to go. Each assignment helps you take small steps towards them. - A Friendly and Supportive Online Support Group:
This is a fun group of others like you, who are investing in themselves, wanting to achieve their dreams. With this group you have access to this online forum where you can interact, find encouragement, ask for help or help someone else. - Pal Program:
In our online support group you can find an online pal to support you during your program. Or how about bringing your own friend or pal? Though many like to work alone, working with a team does have many benefits. - Just Ask Kelly Forum:
Have questions? Clients will be able to ask questions through this fun and interactive forum. - Tools, Evaluations, Assessments, Reviews, and Quizzes:
Which ever package you choose you will have access to all of our life-coaching tools, evaluation and assessment questionnaires and quizzes. - Weekly Progress Report:
Our Progress Report is one of the reasons why our clients are so successful. When you see your weekly progress it encourages you to continue towards making your dreams come true. - Weekly Coaching Tips:
Once a week you will receive through email a few tips that will encourage, empower and inspire you to succeed.
Your online life coach has one goal, that is to help you succeed -- You are just one GOOD decision and one “click” away from being all you want to be!
Are You Ready To Succeed?Are you ready to reach your full potential, overcome obstacles and barriers that are hindering you from having the successful and fulfilling life you deserve? It's time to grow beyond what you think is possible!
Look what we have to offer:
Success Makeover Program Online Life Coach – with 1 Hour Private Call!
Just $97.00! Limited Space Available – A SAVINGS of over $600.00!
Don’t wait, offer ends soon. Sign up now!
For a limited time only we are offering this complete package that includes a one hour private phone call with Kelly. Also clients who take advantage of this program will also have the opportunity to correspond with Kelly through email (6-10 emails to Kelly and 4-6 follow-up emails from Kelly**). Additionally, we will send out weekly emails that included our Mini Package Program (see below) plus the Weekly Coaching Assignments, Our Friendly and Supportive Online Support Group, Pal Program, Just Ask Kelly Forum, Fun Tools, Assessments and Quizzes, A Weekly Progress Report, and our Weekly Coaching Tips.
For less than a cup of coffee a day, this program will motivate, encourage, and empower you to make the choices you want to do.
**we may add a few extra emails (if we need more info to help you) to your package at no extra cost.
- Uncomplicated and Simplistic:
We believe that if the program is simple then our clients stay with the program. There is nothing too complicated about our weekly assignments, we don’t assign difficult tasks. We are here to help you succeed; therefore, we provide you with achievable goals. Plus, you are in charge of what you want to accomplish each week. We work around your needs. We know if it’s too difficult or too time consuming our clients won’t do it, therefore we have created a simple program that will work for you!
- Weekly Schedule:
Of course, the more you invest the quicker you see your goals accomplished. We ask that you commit between 30 minutes to one hour a week (If you choose to work more than 1 hour per week let us know – we have a Moving Forward Faster Success Program, that accommodates those who have more time to invest – at NO extra cost!). Whether you work for 15 minutes each day or 10 minutes a day or complete the tasks in one sitting our program works around your schedule. Plus, we also have a 10 minutes option for those extra busy weeks.
We know that with cumulative effort creates a snowball effect of success. One small change week after week soon adds up quickly and before you know it you will see the changes you’ve wanted in your life.
- Accountability:
Having an accountability partner helps clients move faster towards their dreams. It helps you to focus on pursuing our dreams. It helps you identify your core values, passions, and purposes that you wish to do in your lifetime. Having accountability encourages and empowers you to make the right choices and shows you how to work towards succeeding in those areas.
That’s:- 1 hour private call with Kelly (regularly $320/hr)
- Email correspondence (8-10 emails to Kelly and 4-6 follow-up emails from Kelly) (approx. $120.00)
- 1 year weekly online Weekly Coaching Assignments (this is part of our Mini Package Program, which is regularly $320.00/year)
- A Friendly and Supportive Online Support Group (this is part of our Mini Package Program, which is regularly $320.00/year)
- Pal Program (this is part of our Mini Online Life Coach Package Program, which is regularly $320.00/year)
- Just Ask Kelly Forum (this is part of our Mini Package Program, which is regularly $320.00/year)
- Fun Tools, Assessments and Quizzes (this is part of our Mini Package Program, which is regularly $320.00/year)
- A Weekly Progress Report (this is part of our Mini Package Program, which is regularly $320.00/year)
- Weekly Coaching Tips (this is part of our Mini Package Program, which is regularly $320.00/year)
- A Friendly and Supportive Community (this is part of our Mini Package Program, which is regularly $320.00/year)
For the low, low price of $97.00.
$600.00 off the regular price.
Don't wait, order now!

Kelly Ann Evers is a published author, victims’ advocate, authority and consultant on domestic violence issues, and the founder of His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help,™ an international organization headquartered in Southern California that is based on biblical principles.
His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help™ provides resources to 200 countries and in 80 languages to women, pastors, community leaders, and service organizations. As a survivor of severe domestic violence and sexual abuse, and through the extraordinary, transformed life God has given her, Kelly’s mission is to bring healing, help, and hope to battered and abused women by empowering, encouraging, and inspiring them to succeed.
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