Domestic Abuse Help
and Domestic Violence Help Services

Our Domestic Abuse Help and Domestic Violence Help Services provide a wealth of tools, resources, support, goal planning, safety planning, referrals, spiritual support, individualized mentoring program, and pastoral support services.
We are here to help you with all your needs!
Domestic Abuse Help Services recognizes that violence is rising at an alarming rate. 1 in every 4 women will be abused in their life time. It is stated that domestic violence is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States.
It is estimated that 50 percent of all homeless women and children are a result from fleeing from a domestic violent situation.
It is dangerous for a victim of abuse to search websites and seek knowledge. That is why His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Helps™ ultimate goal is to provide victims with a full range of
FREE resources so that they do not have to go to a multitude of websites to get help. (“His Love” is God’s love, and He wants to heal you everywhere you hurt.)
Our domestic violence help services, provides victims with every resource in one location, so that they are at less risk for being found out by their batterer or abuser.
Domestic Abuse Help and Domestic Violence Help Services provide a wealth of resources and programs to help victims, family, friends, with all domestic violence issues.
- Safety planning
- Resource Materials
- Referrals to Community Organizations
- 500 Domestic Violence Shelters in the US
- International Domestic Abuse Help in 200 Countries
- Domestic Violence Resources in 80 Languages
- Crisis Planning
- Domestic Violence Information
- Referrals
- Confidential Online or One on One Support
- One Step at a Time Program
- Pastoral Training
- Living with a Batterer
- Escape Plans
- Where to Get Help
- Emergency Pet Shelters
- Legal Pet Aid
- How Friends and Family Can Help
- Biblical Understanding to Domestic Violence
- And so much more!
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His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help and Domestic Abuse Help is affiliated with:
- Food Programs
- Counselors
- Employment Resources
- Financial Aid Programs
- Legal Aid
- Free Legal Advice
- Low-cost Attorneys
- Batterer Treatment Programs
- Human Services
- Catholic Charities
- Crisis Pregnancy Centers
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Kelly Ann Evers, Founder of His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help™ states, “It’s important for a victim of abuse to know they are not alone, there is help available to them, and we are here.
Our purpose is to empower women with FREE domestic abuse help and resources, provide a wealth of knowledge about all abuse issues and empower them with domestic violence help services, ideas, tools, and resources to help them make sound choices for theirs and their children’s future."
- Our goal is to provide FREE domestic abuse help and resources.
- Our goal is to meet the needs of victims in every possible situation.
- Our goal is to assure women who are hurt by abuse that they have someone on their side.
- Our goal is to show women who are suffering from abuse that there is hope.
- Our goal is to help women who are targets of abuse that freedom is theirs.
- Our goal is to show women who are wounded by abuse that God will heal them everywhere they hurt.
- Our goal is to provide the most up-to-date resources so women can enjoy life and be happy, hopeful, successful and empowered to live the life they deserve.
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“His Love” is God’s love and He is ready to heal your hurt. God is love; He is the restorer, healer, redeemer and deliverer. His love can heal the deepest wounds. Domestic violence is the antithesis of God’s Word.
His Love Heals mission is to bring healing, health and hope to battered and hurting women by empowering, encouraging and inspiring them to succeed.
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You are Not Alone – We are Here to Help!
One Step at a Time Program
His Love Heals is proud to present our One Step at a Time Program. It is a program designed to aid women who are having difficulty functioning in crisis situations, learning how to live with the abuser, deciding when and how to leave, or functioning after leaving the abuser.
This domestic abuse help service program is to help women focus on one situation at a time, and its intention is to empower women to take back their lives by having an individually designed program that is geared towards their current circumstances.
contact Kelly
for appointment.
Understanding Domestic Violence
Understanding Domestic Violence is crucial for anyone experiencing domestic abuse and helping an abuse victim. His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help™ is here for you.
We are dedicated to researching and providing you with the most up-to-date domestic abuse help services, signs, solutions, statics, and facts. Please see
domestic violence definition,
types of violence and abuse,
signs of an abusive relationship,
living with an abuser,
domestic violence safety planning,
stop controlling behaviors and relationships
for more domestic abuse help and understanding.
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Help with Setting Personal Plans and Goals
Abuse can be overwhelming! Whether you are living with the abuser, just learning about abuse, wanting to leave the abuser, or have already left them, the thought of trying to make plans can be quite upsetting, confusing, and stressful. We are here to help. Whether you want one on one domestic abuse help or would like to join one of our many
women's support groups.
Resources, Materials and Referrals
Here you will find a plethora of domestic abuse help services, resources, ideas, answers, and planning tools for all your needs. Please remember as you continue to read and research you’re not alone in this journey.
You may feel overwhelmed at times (maybe all the time), but the more you know the greater the success you will have. Don't give up, we know you can do it! PLUS, we are here to help you! Looking for
identity theft resources,
computer safety tips
safe at home address confidentiality resources,
women's shelters,
domestic abuse hotline,
or our personalized
batterer intervention program.
Spiritual Direction
Welcome to our Encouraging Bible Verses page! If you've felt defeated, overwhelmed, discouraged, or disappointed. If you've wanted to give up and situations in your life are weighing you down. We have great news. Today is your day to discover true joy and happiness!
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Daily Words of Encouragement
These articles are created with you in mind! His Love Heals is an organization dedicated to bringing healing and hope through the Word of God. Our words of encouragement are written to inspire, encourage, and empower you to create the fulfilling and successful life you deserve.
Prayer Support
Imagine His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help™, our powerful prayer team, dedicated to praying for just for you. Imagine a dedicated group of women (that's you!) praying for you too.
Imagine having women know what it is like -- having been there, done that -- praying for you. Imagine knowing your prayer could be the one that changes a life. That's what prayer does -- changes lives, and we want you to participate. Whether you need prayer or want to pray for others come and join us.
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One on One Mentoring
Are you looking for one on one mentoring help? Do you need personalized help rather then general help? Some situations are more complicated then others, which means some women need a coach leading and directing them through a particular situation. If you need one on one help, please
contact Kelly
for more information. Don't forget to visit our
womens support groups,
domestic violence support forums
who can help you with your specific situation -- with our women supporting women domestic abuse help you will never have to be or do it alone anymore!
Pastors, Priests, and Rabbi Help
We would like to believe that domestic violence does not exist in our churches and synagogues. We would like to believe that our treasured congregations are exempt from such abuse. But the truth is that
domestic abuse and violence is rampant in our churches and synagogue. It is estimated that one in every four women who attend church and synagogues are abused in their homes.
Domestic violence is at epidemic proportions in our country. The toll for children is even higher. That is why His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help™ has created domestic violence help services for you and your staff. Our Domestic Abuse Help Services are here to help you. We also have training programs individually designed for your church or synagogues.
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