I Thought We'd Last Forever

by Sandra
(Virgin Islands (US))

I thought our love would last forever

I thought our love would last forever

How did this happen? We were so in love. His life was my life, my life was his. We loved and respected each other. Our communication was beautiful. We walked hand in hand, shopped together, laughed together, and even went to church together. Our life was so beautiful. We never fought. Everything was fine up until 3 years ago. We moved back to his home town close to his parents and he began to be frustrated all the time. He stopped talking to me about anything. He cut me out of all the conversations that had to do with work and his family. Now he started drinking with his dad. He doesn't have control over his drinking and comes home angry and throws things across the room.
I'm not ready to leave, I still love him because I know that there is the man underneath that anger.
Have anyone of you gone through this? What do you think I should do?
Please help!

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Love Gone Wrong
by: Laura

Dear I want to tell you to get out! He has already shown aggression coupled with drinking soon you will be next to suffer at his hands! I went through the same scene with my ex and I still love him but you have to love yourself more.Batterers are emotionally unstable an cause the environment you described the tension and silences the more pain they carry the more dangerous the environment becomes;you will become the target.

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