
A Low-Priced, High-Value Tool That Helps you TAKE BACK Control Over your ENTIRE Emotional and Financial Future... EASY and Lasting Change —Dramatic Transformation

You Become a


to Your Friends, Family and Boss... for SUPER CHEAP!

Expert Kelly Ann Evers,

The Lasting Change Surgeon Says...

From the Desk of:
Kelly Ann Evers,
The Lasting Change Surgeon™

August 17, 2012

Dear Hopeful Friend:

DO YOU KNOW what women like you want more than anything else in the world?

They want to:

... Have Total Financial Security

... Freedom from Emotional Ups and Downs

... Comfortable Living Conditions

… Enjoyment of Life

… Freedom from Fear, Pain and Danger

Do you have that?

How will you answer these questions:

… Do You Want More from Life?

… Are you Discontent, Depressed and Feel Life is Worthless?

… Do You Want to Feel ALIVE Again?

… Do You Want to be FREE from Chaos, Trauma, and Constant Failures?

Do you have that?

That was me 17 years ago. I didn’t like the life I had so I did what it took to change it. Now I’m offering my AMAZING Neuro-Scientific Techniques How-To Guide to you so you can have MAXIMUM IMPACT for breaking habits, unlocking full potential, feel fulfilled, and enjoy total success in all areas of your life: Mental, Physical, Emotional, and FINANCIAL!

You Can Begin Using The Most Advanced Program on "Mastering Lasting Change" Today.

And Take Immediate Control Over Your Emotional and Financial Future!

Please, Please, Please… Start Today By Making Your First Sound Decision of the Day... that Will Change The Course of Your Life!

Please STOP Reading and Order Now!

What Do You Have to Lose?

Money? No.

What do you gain?

Confidence, Joy, Respect, Security, Money, Power to Make Sound Choices, the Joy of Ending the Emotional Ups and Downs, the Spring in Your Step from Self- Assured, Unlocked Full Potential, Total Contentment in Every Area of Your Life, and Total Success...

Plus… No More Bad Habits! You Can Start Now

RISK FREE For A Full 90 Days! AND 110% Money-Back Guarantee!

That's right! It's my nationally famous, super-high-content, 3-hour Mastering Lasting Change seminar... "SQUEEZED" into a hard-hitting, totally overstuffed, 97-page "how-to" action guide...

A complete "shirt-pocket education" in what it takes to create lasting change, break horrible habits, lose weight, stop being abused, and walk with confidence, vibrancy, and successful mindset NOW...

I’m so confident that after just 20 minutes of digesting and acting on my easy-to-read-simple-to-follow-effortless-to-implement-how-to-guide that if you’re not strutting around like you’re “Donald Trump after a 10 million dollar deal” I’ll refund your money!

If you aren’t walking up to your abusive-ex-husband-strutting-your-stuff showing him the amazing person he just lost, I will send you back a full refund.

(That doesn’t mean go back to him!)

I just want you to walk around like a peacock parading around your new found confidence, joy and success everywhere you go with your chest out, head held high, feathers spread out knowing you are all that… and so much more!)

In fact if you aren’t experiencing, head-turning, admiration, and respect of at least 10 people a day, I WANT you to return it!

Not only return your money but I’ll give you an extra 10% extra for your trouble.

How’s that for confidence in my guide? A 110% Money-Back Guarantee?

... It's So Easy to Order! Simply CLICK HERE.

Listen: I want you to feel comfortable enough to place your order right now.

That's why I stake my excellent international reputation on these 4 powerful claims:

1) I GUARANTEE that my Mastering Lasting Change is the best, most practical, useful, and affordable habit breaking, full potential unlocking, fulfilled feeling, and experiencing total success in all areas of your life: Mental, Physical, Emotional, and FINANCIAL that you will never need to buy another product again or go to therapy!

2) I GUARANTEE that you’ll have the confidence to ask for raises, lose weight, and stop smoking. You’ll chose a better husband or boyfriend. You’ll laugh at your past and dance in your future.

3) I GUARANTEE that you'll get more positive feedback, admiration, respect, and appreciation in one week, than you’ve received all year. You’ll new phrase will be: "Who-the-heck-needs-another-one-of-these?" products, because I’m who I want to be, I have what I want and I like my life!

4) I GUARANTEE that your Mastering Lasting Changes are everything I say they are here on this website. Go ahead and order a sample copy for 67 bucks (with a bunch of bonuses). Don't agree? I'll refund your money pronto. (Honestly, I know you'll love it!)

KELLY’S CONFESSION: Listen: anyone who knows me personally knows I hate junk. Argh! I have little tolerance for crummy products... lousy pizza... and even less tolerance for the crummier businesses that make and sell them to me. (Ask my children... they call me "The Return Queen.") If something I buy doesn't do what it's supposed to... or doesn't do it well... I shout out loud "SEND IT BACK!" (Yes, I really do.)

That's why I produce only products that would satisfy me as a (terribly picky) buyer. And why I stand behind everything I sell. Your continuing trust is what matters most to me... and I'll do all I can to justify the confidence you show by doing business with me.

Try "Mastering Lasting Change" RISK FREE!

Order now and in less time than you might expect, you'll discover yourself thinking, feeling, and acting differently. You'll produce results that you couldn't imagine yourself attaining, and you'll discover the power of momentum in your own life.

As you begin, you’ll feel as if you have a friend who knows you better than you know yourself, who sees more greatness and potential in you than you ever thought possible, and who inspires, leads, and pushes you to create the outstanding life you desire and so richly deserve.

NO RISK! 110% Money-Back Guarantee!

There's no risk to you, because every program comes with its own 110% money-back guarantee; that’s right, I’m so confident that you’ll grow colossally that you won’t return it.But if you aren’t 100% satisfied I will gladly return your money plus an extra 10% for your trouble!

This is how much we believe in our program and how certain we are you'll produce the results you desire if you implement the strategies you learn. Give us a week and see how Kelly can transform your life!

RISK FREE For A Full 90 Days! AND 110% Money-Back Guarantee!

Just look at what Debra Winters from SAS Sound Equipment said:

Dear Kelly,

OH my God! You are not going to believe this. It’s been a month since I’ve brought “Mastering Lasting Change” and I’ve already have seen a huge difference.

I’m getting comments from family, friends and co-workers noticing a difference in my stature.

Employees say I look 2 feet taller, self-assured and confident. They say I walk taller with confidence and talk like I own the place.

Since then… ·

I’ve been invited out to 3 business lunches (one at the Ritz Carleton). ·

One office meeting with the vice president and founder ·

…and this weekend will be attending an overnight stay at the founders home with the big-wigs. (OMG! Oh myyyy God! I’m being invited to the founders estate!!!)

Check this out the invitation FOR ME! to the Founder’s Home: “A Culinary Night to Remember This fun dine-around experience blends the culinary creativity of Executive Chef Alessandro Carommini and his team with distinctive dining locations throughout the ranch.”

(Ha! I’ve seen the “ranch” it’s more like 28,000 square foot Hampton Estate).

We invite our diners to experience the best of what Benjamin and Margit Jones has to offer in the span of one incredible meal.”

(Ha! Talk about keeping up with the Joneses!)

Guests begin with artisanal cheeses in Lovit Lounge, followed by appetizers at Bella View and finally head to West Wing for the main course before finishing the evening enjoying a personalized dessert in a special spot under the stars. Wine pairings are included for each memorable course.”

(Not sure what wine pairings are… but hit me again Jack!)

Imagine, me being treated like royalty. The best part, I’m just a new employee, no one special in the office of 1285 employees.

I never dreamed that your book would change my life this drastically. Kelly, your book changed my life. I’m now in with the “in” crowd and I’m on my way to having it all. And the interesting thing is it was totally easy.

Thank you Kelly, I’ll never forget you.

Let’s Look at YOU…

  1. Do you wish you could do more? Be more? Have More?
  2. Do you work hard but don’t have anything to show for it?
  3. Do you wish you had better reasons to get out of bed?
  4. Do financial problems keep knocking at your door?

5. Do thoughts of hopelessness and depression challenge you more than you would like?

6. Do you feel like you fail more than you succeed? 7. Do others tell you: all you need is _______________, or you should_____________, or why don’t you just_____________?

Life doesn’t have to be so hard. Start Now By Ordering Your Copy of "Mastering Lasting Change!"

Let’s look at why some succeed…

What is the difference between those who succeed and fail? What is the difference of those who thrive mentally, emotionally, physically and financially – even in the most difficult situations – and those who can’t seem to get ahead in one or more areas?

What Successful People Do…

Successful individuals choose a different course of actions. They use a different quality of thinking and emotions. These thoughts and emotions guide their actions helping them to follow through – successfully.

  • They question how to get motivated. They feed their minds with the highest-quality personal achievement products, tools, strategies, information and inspiration available.
  • Most of all, they are hungry…
  • Hungry to see their lives changed.
  • Hungry to have the life they’ve dreamed about.
  • They never stop.
  • They make the decision that they will use the right tools to create and maintain momentum.

With that kind of drive, they will always succeed.

Take Immediate Control Over Your Emotional and Financial Future!

YES! I’m ready to put an END to the pain and frustration and am ready to enjoy total success in all areas of my life: mental, physical, emotional and financial, so please email me my copy of Mastering Lasting Change: Take Immediate Control Over Your Emotional and Financial Future for only $67.00 ($397.00 off the original price).

I understand that I’ll have a full 90 days to try Mastering Lasting Change without risk, to see if it’s right for me... ... And if, at any time during this 90 day period, I find I’m not achieving the results you promised, or having 100% satisfaction, I can let you know, and you’ll refund my complete investment and I will also receive an extra 10% for time and trouble no questions asked.

I further understand that I’ve placed my order in time to receive your complete package of Super Bonuses, which include Maximum Impact of Living Well, The Total Success Workbook, and Failure or Perceived Failure? The Truth about Our Life valued at $367.00 (but mine FREE for completing my order today)... And they’re mine to keep, even if I decide to return Mastering Lasting Change.

Yes, I understand I’m getting $766.00 worth of product for the small investment of $67.00 for my life-changing future.


This offer lasts until August 20, 2012,

after that, the price returns to $397.00

(and bonuses won’t be included after August).

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Copyright (c) 2010 The Trinity Assignments, All Rights Reserved.

"Don't Go Another Day Being Unhappy! This book will rock your world." Lesia - Amazon Reviewer

Take Immediate Control Over Your Emotional and Financial Future!

Here is What You Get!

  1. Successful life.
  2. Power to Take Control of ALL areas of your life
  3. 90 Day Money Back Guarantee.
  4. 3 Powerful Bonus Gifts
  5. 110% Guarantee
  6. A Magnificent life!!!

Meet the Author...

Kelly Ann Evers,
The Lasting Change Surgeon™

I'm not here to sell you anything today. Instead my mission is to impart my hard-earned wisdom so you can unlock the mysteries of success once and for all.

But don't just take my word for it. Here's what others have said.

People who were sick and tired of an unsuccessful life – who are now positively impacted by my Mastering Lasting Change: Take Immediate Control Over Your Emotional and Financial Future.

Meet the Skeptic:

As a skeptic I fought the concept of the Neuro-Scientific Techniques as I read, but I couldn't put the book down. But the more I read, the more I believed. Kelly, you made not just a believer out of me but I have made significant changes in my life. I am finally going to live my dream: being a travel writer. I always doubted I could ever do it, but now I’m being paid to travel, write and enjoy the life I deserve! Thank you Kelly for showing me the light. —Charlene Teams, A Proud Travel Writer

Meet Ms. Higher Dreams

Meet Ms. Higher Dreams:

Regardless of what you do and how successful you are Mastering Lasting Change can take you higher than you ever dreamed possible.
—Aline Funds, author of "The Ultimate Dream: Being the Best You."

Meet Some More People Who’ve ALREADY
Walked This Path… And Succeeded.

What makes me so certain we can help you, when nothing else seems to have made a difference?

Well, like I said, we’ve met hundreds of people with this exact same problem, and we’ve been able to help many of them put an end to their trying obstacles for good!

Here are case studies of just a few of the people who came to us because, like you, they were blaming themselves, and feeling frustrated by their inability to stop disappointments ending in failure, hopelessness, depression, financial devastation's ...But who now lead fuller, richer lives!

Meet Drs. Melinda and Tom:

Dear Kelly,

As scientists, we take scientific studies seriously. After receiving your book both Tom and I agree with your assessments and neurological brain studies and would like to complement you on a successful, well written book.


Meet Jamie:

I just got the book today and I had to write to let you know I haven’t been to bed yet! From the first page, I knew I was going to see changes in my emotional and financial life. I’ve had some pretty hard times lately and I felt I couldn’t find a way out. I’ve made a decision to take back control over my emotions and work towards taking back my financial future. God bless you, Jamie.


Mary Ann Johnston

Meet Mary Ann:

I think failure was my middle name. I went from a successful business woman to one failure after another. I couldn’t get my life together. We lost so much money and I couldn’t seem to get out of the mess I was in. After studying your techniques and applying them (and realizing what I was doing wrong), my life started turning around. 4 years later, I am a successful business woman. I have 4 employees and a new husband who loves me. I never thought my life could turn around. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Mary Ann Johnston

Meet Janie:

Dear Kelly, after leaving my husband I went into severe depression. My life seemed so hopeless. I couldn’t keep a job and I couldn’t get a handle on life, I was failing at everything. AND I was a doctor! After reading and using the techniques and tools I have become more financially secure, have paid off debts, purchased my first home and have been promoted 2 times at the hospital. I have also improved my health (and as a bonus, without trying, I’ve lost 20 pounds). Thank you for helping me get my life in order, Janie and new husband Ron